Lindsay Smith
Instructor of Biology
Joined NCSSM in July 2022
Instructor of Biology
Joined NCSSM in July 2022
Lindsay Smith joined the NCSSM team in July 2022 as an Instructor of Biology. Prior to NCSSM she was a member of the faculty at South Lake High School in Michigan, served two terms as an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow with the NOAA Office of Education in DC, and most recently was a teacher at Mooresville High School in North Carolina. To connect her students to scientists and real-time data she has participated in the Ocean Exploration Trust Science Communications Fellowship, NOAA Teacher at Sea, and the NSF PolarTREC program. Through these experiences she traveled to Antarctica, the Bering Sea, Galapagos Islands, and the Caribbean Sea to bring real science into her classroom and encourage her students to be scientists too. Lindsay is a 2021 recipient of the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award for Science and Math Teachers, and will use her award to connect NCSSM students to the surrounding community by providing citizen science and service learning opportunities throughout the region.
BS, Biological Sciences, Michigan State University
MS, Environmental Science, University of Michigan
Instructor and Chair of Biology
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Chemistry
Program Associate
Instructor and John Kolena Chair of Physics
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor and Chair of Chemistry
Instructor of Science
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Biology and Chemistry
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Chemistry
Physics Lab and Fabrication Lab Assistant
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Forensics
Instructor of Biology
Chemistry Lab Manager
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Biology
Dean of Science
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Lab Manager (Morganton)
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Physics
Chair of Science (Morganton)