Jianbei Deng
Instructor of Biology and Chemistry
Joined NCSSM in 2007
Instructor of Biology and Chemistry
Joined NCSSM in 2007
Jianbei Deng joined NCSSM in 2007, bringing with her a wealth of knowledge and experience from real-world research in the field of biochemistry, molecular biology, and cell biology. Since arriving at NCSSM, Jianbei has taught three different core chemistry courses, three different core-elective biology courses, one Research Experience course, and three different Mini-Term courses to our residential students. She has also served on many committees. Since 2019, Jianbei has also taught Honors Epidemiology IE302 to our online students. In and out of the classroom, Jianbei has introduced a broad array of in-depth scientific knowledge to her students; nurtured critical thinking, creativity, and innovation; and influenced her students with a passionate love of learning as well as disciplined work ethic. Jianbei has dedicated herself wholeheartedly to NCSSM’s students and received recognition for NCSSM Extraordinary Contribution to Student Service in 2015.
Instructor and Chair of Biology
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Chemistry
Program Associate
Instructor and John Kolena Chair of Physics
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor and Chair of Chemistry
Instructor of Science
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Chemistry
Physics Lab and Fabrication Lab Assistant
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Forensics
Instructor of Biology
Chemistry Lab Manager
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Biology
Dean of Science
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Lab Manager (Morganton)
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Physics
Chair of Science (Morganton)