Normal Operations
Welcome from the Director of Campus Safety:
Hello and thank you for visiting the NCSSM-Morganton Campus Safety webpage. I invite you to browse this page and familiarize yourself with the services our department provides, and the emergency resources we have in place. My hope is that this page will provide useful information about the Campus Safety Department, Emergency Response, and Critical Incident Management here at NCSSM-Morganton.
The NCSSM-Morganton Campus Safety Department is dedicated to ensuring a safe working and learning environment for our students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Campus Safety is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and we provide a holistic approach to community resiliency through collaborating with stakeholders and local law enforcement partners.
We believe that campus safety is as much about collaborative education as it is the response to, and mitigation of, critical incidents. We encourage open communication in all facets of our work at NCSSM-Morganton with our entire campus community, and I encourage you to reach out at any time with any questions or concerns you may have around campus safety.
Communication During an Emergency
NCSSM-Morganton has a Communication Plan for emergency response using cell phones, email, and traditional telephones to ensure communication and interoperability with each other and external agencies such as the Burke County Office of Emergency Services (OES), local law enforcement agencies, and the Morganton Public Safety Department (MPS). Emergency information is communicated to the campus community by way of text messaging using text alerts, an internal speaker system, fire alarm systems, the website, and external media sources. website: In the event of an on-campus or local emergency, the homepage of the website may be regularly updated with information bulletins.
Text alerts: NCSSM-Morganton subscribes to an emergency messaging system that can simultaneously send safety alerts to telephones, email addresses, text/SMS and TTY/TDD devices. It will only be used for emergency communication purposes and required drills. Students, faculty, and staff members are able to manage their contact information by contacting ITS or Campus Safety.
Medical Emergency
Injury and illness are the most common of all campus-related emergencies. If there is a serious injury or illness occurs, remain calm and proceed as follows:
Call NCSSM-Morganton Campus Safety at (828) 347-9106 or dial 911.
- Give your name.
- Describe the nature and severity of the medical problem.
- Give the campus location of the victim.
- Provide an estimated age and gender of the victim.
- Describe whether or not the victim is conscious and breathing.
- Look for an emergency medical ID and give all information to the Police.
- Administer first aid to the extent possible based on your level of training.
- In case of minor injury or illness at work, an injured person should notify their supervisor.
- When in doubt, contact Campus Safety.
Building evacuation will occur via one of the following mechanisms:
- When a building evacuation alarm is sounded, or
- Upon notification by a Campus Safety Officer, or first responder.
- When a signal to evacuate the building is sounded, walk quickly to the nearest marked exit and ask others to do the same.
- Direct visitors and students to the closest stairwell for prompt evacuation to the assembly point outside. Building and floor marshals will be required to report on whether any staff are missing or are known to have remained in the building due to disability or injury.
- Assist people with disabilities in exiting the building.
- Once outside the building, move to your designated evacuation area. Stay at least 100 feet away from any affected buildings or structures.
- Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.
- An Incident Command Post (ICP) may be established near the emergency site.
- DO NOT return to an evacuated building unless directed to do so by Campus Safety, fire personnel or law enforcement.
Emergency Contacts
(828) 347-9106 — NCSSM-Morganton Campus Safety Department
Non-Emergency Numbers
(828) 438-5500 — Burke County Sheriff’s Department
(828) 686-3335 — Morganton Public Safety Department (Fire & Police)
NCSSM-Morganton has a comprehensive Emergency Management (All Hazards) Plan that establishes the policy, procedures, and organizational structure to respond, control and recover from emergency situations, using the National Incident Management Training System (NIMS). A complete copy of the plan can be found at
An Emergency Response Team consisting of directors and staff from various areas on campus are trained to respond to the Emergency Operations Center and evaluate emergency situations using the Incident Command System (ICS).
An Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a location used by the Emergency Response Team to evaluate situations and plan for the effective management of the incident which will include people, organizations, and resources utilized in response to emergencies.
EOC Primary Location – Vice Chancellor’s Suite
EOC Secondary Location – Classroom #3203
The Director of Campus Safety at NCSSM-Morganton also serves as Emergency Coordinator. This position further enhances the campus’s ability to manage and integrate its comprehensive safety, security and emergency management programs into existing campus organizations and activities.
Emergency Response Team (ERT)
The ERT is responsible for activating the NCSSM-Morganton Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and initiating campus response to natural and man-made critical incidents. ERT members’ duties and responsibilities relate closely to their normal campus authority and functions. In the event of a crisis however, coordination, organization and deployment of resources needed to respond on the NCSSM-Morganton campus shall be directed by the ERT.
The responsibilities of the ERT include, but are not limited to:
- Activation of the Emergency Operations Center.
- Identify the potential or real threat and determine its impact.
- Decide the necessary level(s) of response required to manage and minimize the threat.
- Exercise control over emergency operations and provide guidance on matters of policy and decision-making authority.
- Authorize the evacuation and/or closing of school facilities.
- Coordinate the release of all official information and instructions to the public.
- Maintain adequate emergency resources and equipment for an emergency.
Whether the ERT is activated depends upon the level of the emergency, its potential for escalation, its geographical proximity, and other factors.