Kat Cooper
Instructor of Chemistry
Joined NCSSM in August 2017
Instructor of Chemistry
Joined NCSSM in August 2017
Kat Cooper joined NCSSM as an Instructor of Chemistry in August 2017. She has loved chemistry since her first chemistry course in high school, and has loved teaching even longer. Kat plays flute and piccolo and is conversational in German. She also loves to do any crafts that are out there and has learned how to use a floor loom, to make jewelry with metal working and beading, and to knit and crochet. She is very excited to be part of the faculty at NCSSM and looks forward to continuing to work with its amazing students. Kat and her husband live in Durham with their two crazy dogs, Bruce and Makoto, and their adorable and goofy son Rowan! Kat holds a B.S. in chemistry from the Georgia Institute of Technology, an M.S. in chemistry from Emory University, and a Ph.D. in chemistry education from North Carolina State University.
Instructor and Chair of Biology
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Chemistry
Program Associate
Instructor and John Kolena Chair of Physics
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor and Chair of Chemistry
Instructor of Science
Instructor of Biology and Chemistry
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Chemistry
Physics Lab and Fabrication Lab Assistant
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Forensics
Instructor of Biology
Chemistry Lab Manager
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Biology
Dean of Science
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Lab Manager (Morganton)
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Physics
Chair of Science (Morganton)