Student Media

Student Media

Blue Mirror

Blue Mirror is NCSSM’s art and literature magazine, devoted to providing an outlet for the creativity and passion of NCSSM students. The magazine is primarily student-run, with assistance from faculty advisors John Woodmansee and Alexa Garvoille. New issues are released twice per year, and distributed free of charge.

Blue Mirror Spring 2024

Broad Street Scientific

The Broad Street Scientific is NCSSM’s official journal of student STEM research. The journal showcases some of the most interesting and complex math- and science-centered research projects explored by students at NCSSM.

Broad Street Scientific 23-24

Fifth World

A journal of interdisciplinary studies, Fifth World is the work of an editorial collective formed by students from Research in Humanities. The journal takes its name from the Hopi imagination of historical rebirth through the artful intermingling of traditional knowledges with new technologies, under conditions of enduring duress. A testimony to rigorous scholarship and a passionate concern for justice, Fifth World also attests to the emergence of a new generation of writers, artists, and scientists deeply committed to the knowledge necessary to new worlds.

The Stentorian

The Stentorian is NCSSM’s student newspaper. Written and produced by a staff of student writers, editors, and photographers and published monthly, The Stentorian contains news and features that highlight happenings on campus and beyond, from sports updates to international news and politics.