Jenny Wang
Instructor of Chemistry
Joined NCSSM in January 2023
Instructor of Chemistry
Joined NCSSM in January 2023
Jenny Wang was born in Chapel Hill, although she spent most of her life in the Midwest before returning to NC. She joined the NCSSM community in January 2023 as an Instructor of Chemistry on our Durham campus. She has always enjoyed teaching and has worked with students of all ages (pre-K through college), teaching everything from swim lessons to reading skills to chemistry! She received her bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Occidental College and her master’s in chemistry from Northwestern University, where she researched nanoscale materials. In her free time, she enjoys cooking and baking, playing video games, reading, and spending time with her partner Jon and their cats Ziti and Gnocchi.
Instructor and Chair of Biology
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Chemistry
Program Associate
Instructor and John Kolena Chair of Physics
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor and Chair of Chemistry
Instructor of Science
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Biology and Chemistry
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Chemistry
Physics Lab and Fabrication Lab Assistant
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Forensics
Instructor of Biology
Chemistry Lab Manager
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Biology
Dean of Science
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Chemistry
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Chemistry
Lab Manager (Morganton)
Instructor of Physics
Instructor of Biology
Instructor of Physics
Chair of Science (Morganton)