Sonya Tillman came to NCSSM in 2015 as a budget analyst. In this role she helps to develop, analyze, and execute the various budgets on our campus. Prior to joining NCSSM, Sonya worked in Georgia as a controller. When not at work, she enjoys trying new restaurants and spending time with her granddaughter.
Business Office
Judy Black
Purchasing Specialist
Denise Burgette
Mailroom Manager
Heidi Chambers
Leah Englebright
Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance
Norma Evans
Purchasing Manager
Erin Hetrick ’05
Accounting Manager
Bailey Jourden
Accounts Payable Specialist
Justin Kulyk
Yuliya Lange
Payroll Specialist
Gretchen Lowman
Payroll Specialist
Christopher Meinecke
Budget Analyst
Brittany Richard
Advancement Technician
Fritz Savoury
Accounts Payable Specialist
Dana Squire ’05
Accounting Technician
Vickie Thomas
Director of Business Office and Risk Management