
Ready to flip your classroom? This website can help

Photo by Jen Hegna, CC BY-NC 2.0

Blending face-to-face learning with elements of online learning can increase individualization, course flexibility and can lead to greater student success. For example, when students view recorded video lectures for homework, there is more time in the classroom for group discussion, collaboration and mentoring, which is when the valuable learning occurs. This is known as “flipping the classroom.”

This term comes from the idea of flipping the traditional in-class lectures and making them homework, and taking what is normally completed as homework and assigning that as in class work.

But how does a teacher take their face-to-face course and create video and other content for students to view at home prior to class? NCSSM’s video production specialist Joyce Ventimiglia, has created an excellent website to help teachers get started.

The website discusses why teachers are trying flipped classrooms and other hybrid teaching approaches and gives tips to those who want to try it. A step-by-step guide is included, as well as a list of helpful tools and apps. The website also lists best practices for creating educational videos,

View the Flipped Learning Website

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