
More Top STEM YouTube Channels

In a previous article, we listed the top five most popular STEM YouTube channels. Quality educational content on YouTube can explain difficult concepts visually, introduce a new topic in a fun way, or even motivate students to learn more about a topic. Here are a few more educational YouTube channels that impressed us:


#6 – Smarter Everyday

300m views • 4m subscribers

Top video: Tattooing Close Up (44m views)

About: The host, engineer Destin Sandlin is such a likable down-to-earth guy. It’s like exploring the world of science with your best friend.


#7 – Veritasium 

290m views • 4m subscribers

Top video: Surprising Applications of the Magnus Effect (33m views)

About: Derek Muller is a fun-loving science communicator who takes you on his adventures through science, education, and about anything else interesting.


#8 – Minutes Physics

290m views • 3.5m subscribers

Top Video: Immovable Object vs. Unstoppable Force (10mil views)

About: Short, smart, succinct science. What’s not to like? Their motto is “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”


#9 – Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

150m views • 3m subscribers 

Top Video: The European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained (10m views)

About: This is my personal favorite of them all and not just because of the witty english voice-over. These are high-end animated educational videos about evolution, time, space, global energy and bunch of other great subjects.  



#10 – The RSA

80m views • 550k subscribers

Top Video: The surprising truth about what motivates us (15m views)

About: The RSA has some of the best whiteboard illustrated videos I’ve ever seen (specifically called RSA ANIMATE). The Royal Society of Arts – world-changing ideas, world leaders, RSA Animates, self-improvement, talks, debates, interviews, animations and more.

Stay tuned as we’ll feature more educational channels from YouTube. 

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