Sindhura Citineni ‘00 and her husband Tommy Thekkekandam, creators of Tom and Jenny's candy, won the 2015 Big Launch Challenge for local start-ups.
Sindhura Citineni ‘00 and her husband, Tommy Thekkekandam, creators of Tom and Jenny's candy, won the 2015 Big Launch Challenge for local start-ups.


WNCN: Dentist Sindhura Citineni ‘00 creates tasty, healthy candy

Triangle-area dentist and North Carolina School of Science and Math graduate Dr. Sindhura Citineni ’00 has been featured on the WNCN special, “What’s Next: Ideas and Innovators.” Citineni and her husband, Tommy Thekkekandam, have created something that might seem impossible: a sugar-free candy that’s not just good for you but also helps you fend off cavities.

Citineni, a dentist in Durham, said visiting patients in rural North Carolina during her early days in dentistry inspired her to come up with a sugar-free, healthy brand of candy that actually tastes good.

And the candy is doing well. Sales have been so successful, the candy is currently on back-order while they catch up. “I would say [it’s] very encouraging and pleasantly surprising about the number of people who have never heard about this that are embracing it fully,” Citineni said.

Read the WNCN story and view the segment.