Lucas Embry ’18, is now studying engineering at N.C. State University on a Goodnight full scholarship. He’s seen here with his parents, Darin and Christina Embry, on move-in day at N.C. State.


Why I give: The most and least I could do

By Christina Embry, mother of Lucas Embry ’18

My son applied to Science and Math pretty much just to see whether he could get in. Well, he did. And I don’t think he originally intended to go, but at the last minute, he decided, “I should take the opportunity that’s been given to me.” We didn’t really have time to get used to the idea of him being away from home so much sooner than we figured.

Now, we are not a rich or even a middle class family. I think we just missed the cutoff to be eligible for free and reduced lunch at our kids’ home schools. But when we got the invitation to give to the NCSSM Foundation during Lucas’ junior year, I thought, “He is exactly where he needs to be. These teachers and staff members give their time to be on campus with him, keep him safe.” They pretty much help raise our kids for two years, except for one long weekend a month.

So I thought, “If all we can give to help NCSSM is the $50 a month I would have spent on his lunch money at Eastern Alamance High, then that’s what we’re going to give.” I just felt like I needed to. He was getting so much from the experience and learning so much and growing so much that it was the least we could do. Truly it was both the least — and the most — we could do. There was never any doubt in our minds that he was where he needed to be, and that he was taken care of. They were the hardest and best years of his life, and we are just grateful.

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