This year makes the second year in a row that NCSSM’s Quiz Bowl A Team has taken home top prize in the Quaker Bowl tournament, held each fall at the Early College at Guilford. The win earned the team a place at both the 2017 NAQT and PACE National Quiz Bowl tournaments. A second NCSSM team also scored high enough to qualify for the PACE national tournament.
The fast-paced question-and-answer game includes questions from all subjects of high school curricula—math, science, humanities—and also includes topics such as current events, sports, and popular culture. Team captain Jenna Israel ‘17 helped lead NCSSM students in the eighth annual tournament of 16 teams. We spoke with her to share a little more about herself, how her team did in the Quaker Bowl, and about what makes Quiz Bowl just so intriguing.
Jenna Israel ’17
On why she loves Quiz Bowl, and her thoughts on her team.
I became involved with Quiz Bowl my junior year at NCSSM. I participated in National Academic League in middle school and, despite losing every match, I found I really enjoyed being on an academic team. I am a lifetime Jeopardy! watcher and I suppose that is where my interest began.
I enjoy science and math, but I also love art, history, and literature, and Quiz Bowl encompasses a similar range of topics that I might not always have time to pursue in classes. I enjoy the friendly competition with other people who love to learn new things for no particular reason, [which creates] a highly interesting community of people with diverse interests.
At Quaker Bowl I was the captain of the B team. We came in 6th place out of 16 teams. Although we did not place as well as the C team, I am proud of everyone who got up before 7 a.m. on a Saturday morning to come to Quiz Bowl! We played well, maintained sportsmanship, and won both of our playoff games.
Hometown: Charlotte
Favorite classes at NCSSM: Western European Cultural Studies
Best tip for avoiding procrastination: I write down everything I need to do in more than one place until I stop being worried about forgetting to do something. Then I can focus on the next thing.
What do you do for stress relief? I enjoying helping with the garden. Watering the plants and weeding reminds me that other life forms exist outside of school.
Dream job: Chemistry professor
Favorite way to spend a Saturday afternoon: Grocery shopping with a friend
Favorite food: I only realized just how superb cereal is since coming to NCSSM.
Secret talent: I can build most anything with a hot glue gun.
What book are you reading right now? Bartlett’s Poems for Occasions