
NCSSM hosts 25th annual American Indian Powwow

Akwe:kon, the American Indian cultural club at North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, will host the school’s 25th annual American Indian Powwow on Saturday, February 6. American Indians from North Carolina, Virginia, and South Carolina will travel to Durham for a day of music, dance, arts, crafts, and food in the Charles R. Eilber Physical Education Center on NCSSM’s campus.

The program begins at noon with a Grand Entry of dancers dressed in traditional and modern dance regalia. Music will be provided by host drum Smokey River, representing the Coharie tribe of North Carolina. Master of Ceremonies J.D. Moore of the Waccamaw Siouan tribe of Buckhead, NC, will offer explanations of the significance of the music and dance throughout the program. Head Man Dancer is Takoda Locklear, a student in the NCSSM Online program and a member of the Lumbee and Waccamaw Siouan tribes of North Carolina. Head Lady Dancer is Makayla Richardson, also an NCSSM Online student and a member of the Haliwa-Saponi tribe.

Presentations will include American Indian flute music, hoop dancing, and dancing demonstrations in all categories of traditional and contemporary American Indian dance styles. Audience members will be invited to participate in a social round dance and a two-step dance.  American Indian arts and crafts will be on exhibit in the foyer of the Physical Education Center throughout the event. The powwow ends with a closing song at approximately 5 p.m. 

The public is invited to attend this event to experience some of the rich history and contemporary aspirations of American Indian people. Admission fee is $5; children 5 and under are admitted at no charge.

“Our annual powwow grew out of a desire of the American Indian students at NCSSM to make their school better known among the state’s Native American communities,” says Admissions Director Letita Mason. “We hope that, through these cultural efforts, more Native American students will become interested in attending NCSSM.” 

American Indian youth will be honored in special ceremonies during the powwow in conjunction with the NCSSM Admissions Office’s Dreammaker Program. Through this program, 75 American Indian middle-school students from throughout the state spend a day experiencing the academic and residential life at North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, then culminate their experience by participating in the powwow. The students will be recognized in a special honor dance.