Television program Education Matters, produced by Public School Forum of North Carolina, highlighted NCSSM as “a real treasure for the state of North Carolina.” In the episode, which first aired on March 31, show host Keith Poston sits down with NCSSM Chancellor Todd Roberts and Vice Chancellor for Distance Education and Extended Programs Melissa Thibault to discuss how NCSSM works for equity of access and plans for NCSSM-Morganton.
In the episode, Poston describes NCSSM as “a real treasure for the state of North Carolina,” one that “thankfully, the General Assembly, both Republicans and Democrats, have seen fit to invest in now for thirty years, including this new expansion to Morganton.” Watch the clip here.
Watch the full episode, which also highlights NC Lab Schools, on Public School Forum’s website.
Education Matters is a 30-minute TV program created by Public School Forum of North Carolina. Education Matters airs on Saturday nights at 7:30 p.m. on WRAL-TV and statewide on UNC-TV’s North Carolina Channel.