A product designed by Joe Horrell ’00 has made Time magazine’s annual list of the 25 best inventions of the year, featuring products and ideas that are “make the world better, smarter, and–in some cases–a little more fun.”
Horrell is an engineering program manager at 6SensorLabs, the company behind the Nima sensor, a portable gluten tester that can detect gluten in food. The product allows a user to test any food or drink in minutes. It is compact, affordable, and can be an invaluable tool to the millions of Americans with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, as Time writes. The sensor appears on the magazine’s list beside such products as hoverboards, a transparent truck, and products by Apple and Nike.
The technology behind the product, which uses proprietary chemistry from the company, has broad applications outside of gluten specifically. The firm hopes to begin applying the technology to detect other food allergens, such as peanuts and dairy, as well.