Justine Tsao graduated from NCSSM in 2008. Now she is back and working with former instructors and staff members as a graduate assistant.
Position: Graduate Assistant
Years at NCSSM: Less than a year
Home: Durham
What she does outside of work: Tsao has played soccer for most of her life. She started playing soccer when she was little, along with basketball and softball. Soccer became a main activity for her during her school years, playing club and travel soccer until she started school at NCSSM. While at NCSSM (Tsao graduated in 2008), she was the captain of the soccer team. In college at NC State, she played intramural soccer all four years, and she continued playing in an adult soccer league until she tore her ACL. Now, she plays for fun!
Tsao is completing her master’s in social work at NC State, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in communication with a minor in sociology.
What coworkers may not know: Tsao also does advocacy work for Habitat for Humanity.
Best part of her job: Hearing the students’ stories at NCSSM. Tsao said it makes her reminisce about everything she used to get excited about, stress out about, or lose sleep over while she was here.
Favorite perk of working at NCSSM: Working with people who used to tell her what to do and being friends with her old instructors. Among them: Mike Newbauer, Sue Anne Lewis, Kyle Hudson, Elizabeth Moose, and Kevin Cromwell.
One thing about working here that she would do differently: “Allow pets to live on hall.” She has a dog she’d like to bring to her campus room. “The girls on Royall love to play with him.”
— Interview by Llana Abella ‘16