In addition to teaching physics at NCSSM for over a decade, Jackie Bondell loves to travel with her family — here they are during their year abroad in Sydney, Australia.


After Hours: Jackie Bondell

Position: Instructor of Physics

Years at NCSSM: 11

Home: Downtown Raleigh now; born and raised in Cherry Hill, NJ.

What she does outside of work: Bondell and her family love to travel. “We lived in Australia (as part of my husband’s sabbatical, he is on the faculty at NCSU) during 2012-2013. Luckily our kids (9-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son) are well-seasoned travelers!”

Bondell is also actively involved in the rowing community. “I rowed in high school and college and since then have rowed and coached with various clubs in the Triangle,” Bondell says. “In addition to regularly rowing, I also coach adaptive athletes through a program with the Durham VA. And I am training for my first marathon in January. And my kids swim, so I sit at a lot (and I mean a lot) of swim meets!”

What coworkers may not know: A few fun facts: “I have four older brothers, I have been to 5 of the 7 continents in only the last four years, I studied Russian in addition to physics in college, and I can deadlift well over 300 pounds.”

Best part of her job: “Like most, I would say it is the students. They are curious, motivated, and willing to go along with whatever crazy new ideas I incorporate into class!”

Favorite perk of working at NCSSM: “I get to work with colleagues who lead by example and motivate me to continually improve. And the view from my office (4th Bryan) is pretty awesome!”

One thing about working here that she would do differently: “Any chance of a Raleigh campus?” says the Raleigh-dweller. “The commute is tough.”