
Honors Introduction to Cybersecurity

  • PowerSchool Code: 96105X0
  • Grade Level: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th graders
  • Semester: Fall Semester
  • Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday
  • Time: 8:10am – 9:20am
  • Course Pathway(s): Computer Science/Computational Thinking

Course Introduction

Learn to protect digital information from cyber threats. This course covers fundamental cybersecurity concepts, including digital citizenship, cryptography, software security, and networking. Discover different ways of securing information such as personal, organizational, and national data. Become a defender of data and a responsible digital citizen.

Prerequisites: None
Materials/Textbook: None
Site Requirements: You may access gaming sites usually blocked by school computers. The site document will list websites and tools you need to access. Ready access to a computer with internet and web conferencing capabilities. Headphones equipped with built-in microphones are recommended for shared spaces.