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Honors 21st Century Media Studies (Spring)

  • PowerSchool Code: 96105X0
  • Grade Level: 10th, 11th, 12th graders
  • Semester: Spring Semester
  • Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday
  • Time: 10:00am – 11:10am
  • Course Pathway(s): Cultural Studies/Social Science

Course Introduction

Delve into the impact of media on society, analyzing everything from cultural and
historical contexts to the digital age’s challenges. Study media theory, examine change, and
investigate the relationship between media and reality through various approaches and aspects.
This interdisciplinary course encourages critical thinking about the media’s role in shaping our

Prerequisites: None
Materials/Textbook: None
Site Requirements: Ready access to a computer with internet and web conferencing
capabilities. Headphones equipped with built-in microphones are recommended for
shared spaces.