NCSSM Chancellor Todd Roberts issued this statement to the NCSSM community on March 19, 2021:
Many disturbing instances of harassment, hate speech, and violence against Asians and Asian Americans have been perpetrated across our nation in recent weeks and months, including attacks on elders and now the shooting deaths of six Asian American women and two other people in Georgia earlier this week. NCSSM condemns these senseless, devastating crimes as well as pernicious racist rhetoric that has contributed to a dangerous climate, causing many to fear for their safety and feel degraded. I want to acknowledge the Asian and Asian American members of our community for whom these acts of violence are causing fear, grief, and anger. Please know that our community stands with you and is here to support you.
As we have all struggled through the most challenging of years in the midst of a global pandemic, we must also recognize that we are struggling with an even more insidious disease in our country, racism, for which we cannot manufacture a vaccine. To effectively battle this disease takes each of us, and all of us together, to summon the will to face the racism in our country and condemn those whose words and actions promote hate and violence against people on the basis of their race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or religion. We must all face this challenge with the same conviction that we have shown in battling the pandemic.
I am determined for our school and our campus community to continue to embrace our belief that diversity, equity, and inclusion enrich and strengthen lives and our community and to ensure that we are a place that is safe and secure for all. Together we can do the hard, painful, intentional work of living into a more just reality — and help inspire generational leaders who can help our country do the same.
We want to support each other through these difficult times and encourage any students needing support to reach out to their counselor and for employees to seek support via our Employee Assistance Program through Compsych at 866-882-0023.