Planning our future, building on success
Building on the success of the previous Strategic Plan that helped guide our school’s vision, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics embarks upon a historic next five years. We are have constructed and opened a new, 300-student second physical campus in Western North Carolina, raised tens of millions of dollars to upgrade and expand our Durham campus, and we have grown our distance education programs to serve nearly 1,000 students with courses each year, reaching counties and schools across North Carolina.
This strategic plan—created with the deep involvement of students, parents, alumni, employees, boards, friends and collaborators—provides a framework for navigating these complex changes in intentional, sustainable ways. The plan guides us as we optimize how we serve students across North Carolina, strengthens our daily practices as an organization, and helps NCSSM catalyze even more opportunity across the state.
Strategic Plan 2019–2024
The mission of the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, an intellectually stimulating, diverse, inclusive, and collaborative community, is to:
- educate and nurture academically talented students to become state, national, and global leaders,
- increase access to high quality public education in North Carolina, and
- cultivate engaged citizens who will work for the betterment of the world,
through challenging programs, with an emphasis on STEM, driven by the pursuit of excellence and innovation.
NCSSM’s fundamental values and non-negotiable principles
We believe that:
- Our greatest resource is the capability and creative capacity of the human mind.
- Everyone is unique and has intrinsic value.
- Diversity and inclusion enrich and strengthen lives and communities.
- Embracing challenge inspires growth and the pursuit of excellence.
- Individuals are responsible for their choices and actions.
- With opportunity, support, and effort all people can realize their full potential.
- A nurturing community develops the well-being of the whole person.
- Service to others builds and strengthens community.
- Environmental stewardship and resource sustainability are a shared responsibility.
- A passion for learning throughout life leads to success and fulfillment.
- Collaboration fosters learning, ignites innovation, and cultivates community.
- Adhering to high ethical standards is essential for a community to function and flourish.
- Access to high quality public education is essential to a free, democratic society.
Boundaries within which NCSSM will accomplish its mission
- The best interest of students will always be given the highest priority in decision-making.
- As we strive to achieve our mission, we will assure the integrity and quality of our residential programs in collaboration with all other NCSSM programs.
- The scope of our program will always include learning in the humanities, social sciences, fine arts, extracurricular activities, and service.
- Programs and services should be consistent with the strategic plan, and the benefits clearly justify cost.
- We will always provide safe, secure, supportive environments for living, learning, and working.
Goals that NCSSM will achieve through the Strategic Plan
These objectives reflect specific, demonstrable, and measurable results that exceed our present capacity and will allow us to address the critical issues we face. The goal is to accomplish these three objectives over the next five years:
Objective 1
Ensure that each NCSSM student will engage as a thinker, maker, or doer in an experience that requires the application of knowledge and skills to address challenges in the world beyond the classroom.
Objective 2
Annually increase the percentage of NCSSM alumni earning degrees in STEM fields.
Objective 3
Meaningfully engage 1,000,000 students and 100,000 teachers through NCSSM products or services over the next five years.
Strategy: We will increase and diversify revenues and resources to accomplish our mission and objectives.
Result statements with implementation years
Note: Implementation year refers to the academic year in which work on a result statement will begin. Work on each result may span beyond one year.
Strategy: We will adopt effective communications, data, business and administrative systems that are scalable and sustainable for our day-to-day operations.
Result statements with implementation years
Note: Implementation year refers to the academic year in which work on a result statement will begin. Work on each result may span beyond one year.
Strategy: We will build and maintain three cohesive campuses (Durham, Morganton & Virtual) working seamlessly together as one integrated NCSSM.
Result statements with implementation years
Note: Implementation year refers to the academic year in which work on a result statement will begin. Work on each result may span beyond one year.
Strategy: We will use our institutional flexibility to the fullest extent to provide innovative learning opportunities for students that allow them to design their futures and become engaged citizens.
Result statements with implementation years
Note: Implementation year refers to the academic year in which work on a result statement will begin. Work on each result may span beyond one year.
Strategy: We will effectively communicate the transformative impact of NCSSM on students, communities, and the state as a whole.
Result statements with implementation years
Note: Implementation year refers to the academic year in which work on a result statement will begin. Work on each result may span beyond one year.
Strategy: We will ensure that diversity, equity, and inclusion characterize our campus culture and climate.
Result statements with implementation years
Note: Implementation year refers to the academic year in which work on a result statement will begin. Work on each result may span beyond one year.
Strategy: We will prioritize our initiatives and develop and implement ways of sustaining our faculty and staff, including salaries, work-life balance, and professional development.
Result statements with implementation years
Note: Implementation year refers to the academic year in which work on a result statement will begin. Work on each result may span beyond one year.
Strategy: We will expand programming and collaborative partnerships in K-12 that prepare students for the rigor and challenges of our changing world.
Result statements with implementation years
Note: Implementation year refers to the academic year in which work on a result statement will begin. Work on each result may span beyond one year.
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Learn more about the Office of Institutional Effectiveness
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness provides leadership for the institutional strategic planning process as well as work with individual divisions and departments by request.
For more information, or if you have questions about the Strategic Plan, please contact:
Krissi Hewitt
Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness & Chief Research Officer
Updated July 23, 2021